
Saturday, 15 June 2013

Textiles have a strong tradition in Wales, stemming from the strength of the woollen mill industry of the 17th century. The artists featured in this publication and initiatives such as the recently established Contemporary Textile Practice BA at the University of Wales in Cardiff bear witness to the fact that there is today a considerable body of contemporary textile practice of quality in Wales. Cefyn Burgess’ stitched textile collages are influenced by the vernacular architecture of Welsh chapels. Cefyn trained as a weaver and has produced figurative work in weave as well as designs for ceramics and print. In his quest to heighten awareness of Wales’ rich architectural heritage but also of its vulnerability, he has created an impressive narrative of small stitched collages of the chapels found along one of Wales’ arterial routes, a road that runs through the heart of Wales linking the north and south. written by- Philip Hughes

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